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Water diet for weight loss: basic recommendations, 7-day menu and results

· fasting
How to lose weight on a water diet?

Water diet has a huge number of variations - you decide how much to sit on a water diet, and choose the best option. The content of the menu depends on the duration of the diet. The general essence of a proper water diet is simple - either you have a water day for yourself, or you only drink water for all three days (you can have unsweetened carbonated water), or add a temporary habit to your life - drink two glasses of water before each meal.

The researchers found that people who began to drink water regularly before eating lost about 3 kilograms in 2 weeks without much effort. So you can call a water diet, or else a water-salt diet, quite effective. At present time, when keto diet is the biggest trend in terms of weight loss, water diet can also be a solution.

As finding a valid keto forumis really tough, finding a proper water diet plan is also really tough. And here we are with a full meal plan of water diet.

Water diet is not new - water starvation has been accepted in many religious communities for centuries. Then water diets became popular in the early 1900s with celebrities. For medical purposes, the water diet began to be practiced in the 1940s by Stanley Burrow. Today, a three-day fasting on water is a resuscitation for people with gastrointestinal diseases, for example, with exacerbation of gastritis or pancreatitis.

Basic recommendations for a water diet for weight loss Avoid intense workouts.

During the diet, it is necessary to reduce the number of intense workouts in order to save energy. It is perfectly normal if you feel annoyed or tired of a lack of food, so relax a lot. Replace going to the gym and jogging in the morning, such as yoga or meditation practices.

Drink room temperature water

How to lose weight on a water diet? Avoid cool or even cold drinks. Low temperature slows down the metabolism, so your efforts will not be so noticeable and obvious.

Drink not only water

In addition to plain water, you can add green tea, coffee and natural freshly squeezed juices to the water diet menu, but the amount of such drinks should be minimal. You can also diversify the usual taste of water with lemon or mint. One citrus slice and two mint leaves will be enough.

Take vitamins

A large amount of water can deprive you of useful substances and important minerals, so ask your doctor what multivitamins should be taken additionally. Otherwise, unwanted health problems may occur.

Calculate the required volume

Our body is an individual system. What is good for one is disastrous for the other, so before starting a water diet, be sure to calculate how much water the body needs per day. Even if you choose a diet modification without food. Do this according to the formula - divide your weight by 20.

Calculation is very important for any meal plan. Whereas you have to measure ketone bodies for ketosis during a keto diet, here you have to measure amount of water and salts for water diet.

Water diet - a week without food or is there a menu?

Let’s figure out how many days you need to sit on a water diet in order to achieve significant results. There are as many modifications of the water diet as possible 6. Choose the most comfortable one for you.

3 day water diet

For three days you need to drink only water. In this version of the water diet there is no food - only liquid. A three-day diet will help to quickly lose weight, for example, after the holidays or before an important event.

5 days water diet menu

The following diet options suggest a rich low-calorie menu. Food must be made fractional. To lose weight on a water diet and achieve the desired results, check that the daily number of calories does not exceed 1200.

1st day

· Breakfast: omelet with tomatoes;

Afternoon tea: kissel;

· Lunch: vegetable soup, 100 g of poultry meat;

· Snack: a small piece of melon;

· Dinner: stewed beans, a jar of natural yogurt.

2nd day

· Breakfast: a couple of toasts, an egg;

· Afternoon snack: a handful of nuts, not more than 20 g;

· Lunch: stew, 100 g of liver;

· Snack: bunch of grapes;

Dinner: 150 g of mushrooms.

3rd day

· Breakfast: three tablespoons of rice or buckwheat, tomato;

Afternoon tea: raisins;

· Lunch: three cabbage rolls;

· Snack: fruit puree;

· Dinner: cabbage salad, natural yogurt.

4th day

apple unloading: during the day we eat 1.5 kg of apples, 0.3 l of water 30 minutes before and after eating.

5th day

· Breakfast: oatmeal, cheese with low fat content;

· Snack: nectarine or grapefruit;

· Lunch: cabbage soup without meat;

· Afternoon snack: plums 2-3 pcs.;

Dinner: 200 g of chicken, 150 g of cottage cheese 5% fat

Water diet menu for the week

As part of the water diet, designed for 7 days, you can eat the same foods as during the 5-day dietary practice. Combine the calorie menu as you like. For weight loss, you need to drink about 2-3 liters of water per day. And also it’s time to forget about nightly dinners, the last meal no later than three hours before bedtime.

· Breakfast: any protein food, such as chicken breast or eggs;

· Afternoon snack: dried fruits, fruits or nuts;

· Lunch: vegetable broth, diet meat (no pork or lamb), boiled or raw vegetables;

· Snack: fruits, nuts or berries;

· Dinner: diet meat, fish with vegetables cooked in a double boiler.

Water diet for 10 days
Follow the same rules as on the 7-day and 5-day water diets. After 5 days of a ten day diet, repeat the menu.

1st day

· Breakfast: 2 eggs, several bread rolls;

· Lunch: 200 g low-fat fish and bread;

· Snack: natural yogurt;

· Dinner: seaweed and young squid.

2nd day

· Breakfast: scrambled eggs.

· Lunch: stewed cabbage and eggplant soup;

· Snack: orange;

· Dinner: stuffed peppers without rice.

3rd day

· Breakfast: oatmeal no more than 50 g and two tomatoes;

· Lunch: vegetable stew, 150 g of poultry meat;

· Snack: 200 g of cauliflower and grapefruit;

· Evening: low-fat grilled fish, two bread rolls.

4th day

· Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese;

· Lunch: scrambled eggs, chicken broth, favorite greens;

· Snack: apple baby puree;

· Dinner: 200 g of baked turkey, two toasts.

5th day

· Breakfast: omelet from two eggs;

· Lunch: chicken soup without potatoes and vegetable salad without oil;

Afternoon tea: peach;

· Dinner: baked zucchini with lemon juice.

14 day water diet

Do not forget about water - you need to drink a glass of warm water in the morning, before each meal and at bedtime. In the second week we repeat the menu. The food is varied, so this version of the water diet is suitable even for the most lazy.

1st day

· Breakfast: egg, bread, low-fat cheese;

· Snack: apple;

· Lunch: 150 g of chicken, 250 g of seasonal vegetables with lemon juice, bread;

Afternoon tea: 2 peaches;

· Dinner: 130 g of beef, 250 g of stewed vegetables.

2nd day

· Breakfast: two crackers, 100 g of cottage cheese;

· Lunch: a plate of soup, salad of parsley, carrots, radishes;

· Afternoon snack: two pears;

· Dinner: 100 g of buckwheat or rice, 150 g of boiled vegetables and half an orange.

3rd day

· Breakfast: fruit salad with natural yogurt;

· Lunch: chicken broth with crackers, 150 g of raw asparagus;

· Afternoon snack: four prunes;

· Dinner: two potatoes, 200 g of mushrooms.

4th day

· Breakfast: two bread rolls, several tangerines;

· Lunch: millet, apple;

Afternoon snack: coleslaw;

· Dinner: two chicken cutlets for a couple, seaweed salad.

5th day

· Breakfast: three tablespoons of buckwheat and two tomatoes;

· Lunch: okroshka, two bread rolls;

· Afternoon snack: 100 g of frozen or fresh berries;

· Dinner: cabbage and carrot salad, 150 g of turkey.

6th day

· Breakfast: 100 g of rice and apple;

· Lunch: 200 g chicken liver, raw vegetables;

Afternoon tea: two peaches;

· Dinner: 150 g of steam turkey and vegetable salad.

7th day

· Breakfast: fruit salad with natural yogurt;

· Lunch: vegetable soup, egg;

· Snack: a handful of walnuts;

· Dinner: 250 g low-fat fish, vegetable salad, two bread rolls.

Water diet for a month

Follow the same rules as with other water diet options.

· Breakfast: 150 g of buckwheat, rice or omelet with raw vegetables;

· Snack: any fruit except banana;

· Lunch: vegetable soup, lean meat and vegetable salad;

· Snack: fresh berries, nuts or dried fruits;

· Dinner: boiled vegetables, low-fat fish or other protein foods, such as mushrooms;

Water diet: cons and contraindications

Water diet is not for everyone. Before starting a diet, be sure to consult a doctor. There are risk groups who, without medical indications, should not experiment with a diet, especially with a three-day option:

  • people with an eating disorder;
  • aged people;
  • adolescents under 18 years old;
  • underweight people;
  • pregnant and lactating;
  • people with heart problems;
  • type 1 diabetes;
  • people with uncontrolled migraine;
  • people who take special medicines (with a prescription).

Water diet is a fairly extreme option for losing weight. Most likely, during the diet you will feel tired and lack of energy. Also, insufficient amounts of nutrients and carbohydrates can cause dizziness, weakness, or nausea. With such symptoms, it is better to eat something, albeit a low-calorie one, such as an egg or carrot.

If water fasting does not suit you well or you are not okay with the contradictions feel free to try keto diet, fat fasting or intermittent fasting.

What results can be achieved on a water diet?

Long-term options for an aqueous diet for weight loss show excellent results. Five-day, weekly and two-week courses help to lose up to 8 kilograms. Water diet accelerates fat burning and cleanses the body of toxins and toxic substances. However, after a diet, you must adhere to the same diet and reduce the amount of fatty and high-carb foods . Doctors advise keeping a water diet for no longer than one month.

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